What You Can Give

Each individual, family, or organization we work with has unique charitable interests and unique financial circumstances. We help you make the most of both, so you receive the greatest return on your community investment.

Types of Assets

We can work with you to accept a variety of assets. You can create or add to a fund with any of the following:

  • Cash
  • Publicly traded securities (e.g. stocks and bonds)
  • Real Estate
  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement assets
  • Closely held securities and business interests
  • Tangible personal property
  • Mineral, timber, and distribution rights
  • Other complex assets

Please contact us for a copy of our Gift Acceptance Policy.

Stocks & Bonds

Giving appreciated stock that you have owned for more than one year is one of the most tax-advantaged ways to make charitable gifts. With careful planning, you can reduce your capital gains tax while supporting Community Foundation for Monterey County.

Retirement Assets

A gift of your retirement assets, such as an employee retirement plan, IRA, or tax-sheltered annuity, is an excellent way to make a gift. A gift of these assets can shield your heirs from taxes while funding The CFMC's future.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a valuable asset for making a charitable gift. You can make a gift of a life insurance policy without diminishing other investments or assets earmarked for family members.

Real Estate

A gift of real estate allows you to preserve your cash assets, receive tax and income advantages, and make a significant charitable gift to The CFMC.

Personal Property

A gift of artwork, coins, antiques, or other personal property can be an excellent way to support The CFMC.

Christine Dawson

Senior Vice President Philanthropic Services
831.375.9712 x126
Email Christine


Cecilia Romero

Director of Gift Planning
831.375.9712 x124
Email Cecilia

If you have included the CFMC in your estate plans and would like to be part of the Legacy Society, please let us know so we may recognize your generosity.